Tuesday, July 13, 2010

God is always speaking!

It's funny I woke up and the first thing I did was pray. Then I go and sit down at my desk to find the Lord giving me holy spirit inspired idea's for my paintings....and literally a few moments before I was laying in my bed (not sleeping) and I was thinking about that very thing. It's amazing to me how God always speaks to me about the simple thoughts that He knows I've been having; and I didn't have to pray about it, or ask for an answer....and it's not even the thoughts that you mainly ponder upon throughout the day. It's the thoughts that are kept at the back of your mind...that seem so simple or not as important as the more prominent things....and then suddenly He speaks, because even those little thoughts matter enough to Him for Him to speak and show He really does care about the details...He cares about even the littlest thought!!! Isn't His heart for us just amazing and beautiful?

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