Monday, July 12, 2010

God speaks in the midst of the storm!

Tonight as I was at my most overwhelmed, and I felt like giving up, I tried to pray in my heart to God and as many other times, I found myself unable to find the words....I felt like strife was trying once again to invade my home and so I walked away and said to God, ''I don't want to have strife!"   So I sat down at my computer desk and cried and felt so burdened by this other person and in that moment God spoke to me in the midst of the storm! 

And He said to me Ephesians 4:32: Be Kind and Compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. This was spoken to me at around 9:35ish pm. 

And when that was spoken my heart made agreement to receive that and do that as the will of God, and when my heart agreed...I was instantly able to find the words I needed to pray for that person! I'm so grateful for the moments that God comes to you and shelters you from the wind and the rain of the storm and quiet all the noises around you and speak those words of power, and comfort that He knows are the perfect words you need to hear and they comfort your soul and you are able to just rest in Him and the loving shelter only He provides. To God, my everything, be the glory....for He is worthy! Amen and Amen :)

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